The image above is a UK vehicle registration plate. It shows a number beginning BV?? ?FZ with two numbers and a letter hidden. There can be no cheating as I hope you can see.
(1) you enter the game by sending £2.50 either by Paypal or by sending an Amazon Gift Voucher ‘code’ directly to MistressZuzan@hotmail.com, or via the gift card in Our Amazon WishList.
(2) submit your guess about the hidden numbers and letter, e.g. BV00 AFZ, in the comment form below.
Your guess will be shown in the table below

When 25 guesses have been made, or on the 31st Jan (whichever comes first) the nearest guess will win 10 photos from a Lady Zeva photoshoot or,
I know a few have a different fetish, a pair of worn panties can be sent instead. If 2 guesses are the same then the nearest of the two to the missing letter will decide the winner